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by on Jul.02, 2011, under Science playing god!?!, Unnatural Wonders

The Chimera exists in several different ancient mythology including Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology of which where created by gods from the sky…

Though human cloning is yet implausible by modern science, the idea has been presented throughout history, some you may have not even realized the potential of such a abstract reality.

Supposedly we can clone monkeys but that isn’t quite human and if you could clone a human would it be human…? The real question, is it wrong, can it be done by such an extent, and is it immoral.

Ancient civilizations suggest it is very possible and may have already been done.

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Ancient Astronauts

by on Jul.02, 2011, under Unnatural Wonders

Here’s the thing no one really knows anything so I am just going to present the idea.
Though the idea may be puzzling, I think the message is very clear…
These are some pictures of some of the oldest recorded civilizations in the world, some Aztec, Mayan, Sumerian, and religious depictions.
Also many of these artifacts made by various civilizations where most all supposedly isolated…

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Oak Island

by on Jul.02, 2011, under Unnatural Wonders

You have no idea how much money has been spent just trying to get to the bottom…

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The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth

by on May.21, 2011, under Laws of the Earth

1 Do not give opinions or advise without request.

2 Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they are interested.

3 When in another lair show respect or do not go there.

4 If someone is disrespectful or annoys you in your lair treat them cruelly and without mercy.

5 Do not make sexual advancements without the mating signal.

6 Do not take what does not belong to you unless it is a burden and they wish for it to be relieved.

7 Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successful to obtain your desires. If you have employed magic successful and deny it’s power you will lose all you have gained.

8 Do not complain about anything you are not subjected to.

9 Do not harm children

10 Do not kill animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11 When approaching open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you ask them to stop, if they do not, destroy them.

Though you may not favor satanism for various reasons, consider all these laws are justifiable.

In the instance of a crusaders of god, of which Catholics concisely slaughtered untold numbers in the defense of such. No disrespect to Catholics but satanist where more honorable in their decree, though you would not agree.

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Ma’at 42

by on May.21, 2011, under Ma'at 42

Ma’at is a Egyptian goddess who declared the “42 Divine Principles”

These are the laws that defined the Egyptian civilization up until corruption towards the fall of Egypt. Egypt declared new”gods” but due to popularity the older gods where reimplemented which ironically lead to a greater decline.

The 10 Commandments and 11 Satanic Laws of the Earth are highly based on Ma’ats declaration. You may also notice that the principles may seem to repeat, Egyptian gods and goddesses where known as judges. Each broken principle would be judged individually so you would be wise not to tempt.

The “42 Divine Principles” are as following.

1 I have not committed a sin.

2 I have not committed robbery with violence.

3 I have not stolen.

4 I have not stolen men or women.

5 I have not stolen food.

6 I have not swindled offerings.

7 I have not stolen from God or Goddess.

8 I have not told lies.

9 I have not carried food away.

10 I have not cursed.

11 I have not closed my ears to truth.

12 I have not committed adultery.

13 I have not made anyone cry.

14 I have not felt sorrow without reason.

15 I have not assaulted anyone.

16 I am not deceitful.

17 I have not stolen anyone’s lands.

18 I have not been an eavesdropper.

19 I have not falsely accused anyone.

20 I have not been angry without reason.

21 I have not seduced anyone’s wife.

22 I have not polluted myself.

23 I have not terrorized anyone.

24 I have not disobeyed the Law.

25 I have not been exclusively angry.

26 I have not cursed god or goddess.

27 I have not behaved with violence.

28 I have not caused disruption of peace.

29 I have not acted hastily or without thought.

30 I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.

31 I have exaggerated my words when speaking.

32 I have not worked evil.

33 I have not used evil thoughts, words, or deeds.

34 I have not polluted the water.

35 I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.

36 I have not cursed anyone in thought, word, or deeds.

37 I have not placed myself on a pedestal.

38 I have not stolen what belongs to god or goddess

39 I have not stolen from or disrespected the dead

40 I have not taken food from a child

41 I have not acted with insolence

42 I have not destroyed property belonging to a god or goddess

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by on May.21, 2011, under Qur'an

The Islamic Muse.

Allah is god and chose certain individuals to be prophets.

Descendants of Abraham and Imran where to be known as the creators of the “will of god”. Supposedly many of these prophets performed miracles. Islamic prophets where known to teach the “will of god” as it had many common prophets as the Christians and Jews. To include Mohammad, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Immanuel. (Jesus)

Though supposedly when a older reference of the Qur’an is contradicted with a newer reference then the newer reference is correct.

Sharia Law is extensive sanction of Muslims and supposedly only applicable to Muslims.  Sharia Law is being implemented around the world including America and western Europe.

Though spreading the Sharia Law is part of the Muslim religion has created some unease in its passing but is debatable on a scale.

It has certain justifiable aspects, which might even be more efficient but if you fear for certain rights, this is not for you.

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by on May.21, 2011, under Bhagavad Gita, Philosophy, Unnatural Wonders

Ancient descriptions of “flying machines”. By far the most interesting aspects is they are often aerodynamic.

Translates to temple or palace or “Gods Palace”

Is also described in “Chariot of the Gods” which is highly recommended for anyone interested in the subject.

Aerodynamic Vimana










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Aliens in the Bible…?

by on May.21, 2011, under Christianity

It has been suggested by modern scientists that there may have been aliens in the bible, including lights, and even wheels in the sky…

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Aliens in the Bhagavad Gita…?

by on May.21, 2011, under Bhagavad Gita

It has been suggested by modern scientists there may have been aliens and even been wars involving aliens…

This is just a theory but a interesting and oddly consistent with other religious texts.

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by on May.19, 2011, under Christianity

A extremely diverse religion. Christian holidays are Pagan. The religion itself is based on Egyptian and Jewish ideals.

Immanuel (Jesus) was considered by most Christians a prophet and savior. Immanuels message was wisdom but the modern applications are not entirely clear.


Considerably modern Catholics are nothing like the earlier Catholic.

Catholic saints where know to have done all kinds of holy acts including helping the poor, slaying dragons, and murder. The first Catholics where predominately converted pagans, pagan holidays where preserved to ease transition. Crusading the world in the name of god ultimately spreading Christianity and committing genocide.

Agnostic theism:

Originally any other broadly defined Christian other than Catholic, they where killed all the same during the crusades. Catholics also burn the majority of Christian scriptures under heresy. Generally modern day agnostics believe in wisdom and in the message behind the metaphor.

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