Tag: Goddess
Ma’at 42
by D on May.21, 2011, under Ma'at 42
Ma’at is a Egyptian goddess who declared the “42 Divine Principles”
These are the laws that defined the Egyptian civilization up until corruption towards the fall of Egypt. Egypt declared new”gods” but due to popularity the older gods where reimplemented which ironically lead to a greater decline.
The 10 Commandments and 11 Satanic Laws of the Earth are highly based on Ma’ats declaration. You may also notice that the principles may seem to repeat, Egyptian gods and goddesses where known as judges. Each broken principle would be judged individually so you would be wise not to tempt.
The “42 Divine Principles” are as following.
1 I have not committed a sin.
2 I have not committed robbery with violence.
3 I have not stolen.
4 I have not stolen men or women.
5 I have not stolen food.
6 I have not swindled offerings.
7 I have not stolen from God or Goddess.
8 I have not told lies.
9 I have not carried food away.
10 I have not cursed.
11 I have not closed my ears to truth.
12 I have not committed adultery.
13 I have not made anyone cry.
14 I have not felt sorrow without reason.
15 I have not assaulted anyone.
16 I am not deceitful.
17 I have not stolen anyone’s lands.
18 I have not been an eavesdropper.
19 I have not falsely accused anyone.
20 I have not been angry without reason.
21 I have not seduced anyone’s wife.
22 I have not polluted myself.
23 I have not terrorized anyone.
24 I have not disobeyed the Law.
25 I have not been exclusively angry.
26 I have not cursed god or goddess.
27 I have not behaved with violence.
28 I have not caused disruption of peace.
29 I have not acted hastily or without thought.
30 I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.
31 I have exaggerated my words when speaking.
32 I have not worked evil.
33 I have not used evil thoughts, words, or deeds.
34 I have not polluted the water.
35 I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.
36 I have not cursed anyone in thought, word, or deeds.
37 I have not placed myself on a pedestal.
38 I have not stolen what belongs to god or goddess
39 I have not stolen from or disrespected the dead
40 I have not taken food from a child
41 I have not acted with insolence
42 I have not destroyed property belonging to a god or goddess