Science Religion Online


by on May.19, 2011, under Religionious

Liber AL vel Legis, Dead Sea Scrolls, Exodus, Kabbalah, Bhagawat Geeta, First Testament, Pacal Votan teachings, Dreamspell 13:20, Nostrodamus and maybe Quran, but don’t believe everything you read.

Enlighten yourself by research and then decide for yourself what is right.

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by on May.19, 2011, under Buddha

An enlightened individual  who found Zen and told the world, truly inspiring.Buddha

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by on May.19, 2011, under Mayan

Pacal Votan was basically Mayans prophet who brought prophecy and religion to a great civilization. Mayans where a lot more advance then we give them credit.

12:60 and 13:20 are Mayan astrological correlations which map out menstrual cycles and phases in life. Considerably more accurate their our own calendar.

To bad most of their documentation where burned by the Spanish by order of the pope, leaving the entire world ignorant.(on account of satan) A pope made the calendar we use today, obviously it was altered some but do you really think a pope had the proper credentials for such a big leap!?! O.o

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by on May.19, 2011, under 12-21-2012

Predictions of the last days (Endzeit, Kali Yuga) as the 21 century, to be more specific the end of the world (Armageddon, Ragnarok) is 2012 .

Many other religions believe this to be a time of change, a new solar cycle.

This solar cycle was often referred to as the age of ignorance. (pisces)

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by on May.19, 2011, under Kabbalah

Meaning receiving in Hebrew

The Jewish bible is extremely important because it influences so many other religions.

This book offers much support to many of my beliefs.

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Bhagvad Gita

by on May.19, 2011, under Bhagavad Gita

meaning song of god, this book has many unique aspects.

Bible and Koran have many similarities.

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by on May.19, 2011, under Nostradamus

Nostradamus was a prophetic pharmacist who made some creepy accurate predictions that some have already seemed to come true. He is also the author of Les Propheties (Prophecy)

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